Rules of Use & Internal Regulations

The client is responsible for accurately stating the number of people who will occupy the villa, including children who may stay for free up to two years old. Any person not declared is prohibited from entering the accommodation. Non-compliance with this clause may result in the immediate expulsion of all guests from the accommodation, as well as the loss of the security deposit.


The client and accompanying guests must behave in a civic manner and respect general coexistence rules. Any activity that disrupts the normal coexistence of the urbanization where the accommodation is located, such as loud music, noise, or parties, leading to justified complaints from neighbors, may lead to the immediate vacation of the accommodation without refunding the amount paid for the stay. REST HOURS are from 22:00 to 8:00 every day of the week, and any activity that disturbs rest is strictly prohibited during these periods.


The client undertakes to take care of the villa, being responsible for any damage or losses that occur. Villa Sant Meloneras is not responsible for the client’s personal effects or those of accompanying guests. Upon entry to the accommodation, a deposit of 500 euros will be collected, which will be returned upon departure after verifying that the villa is in the same condition as it was delivered.


The check-in time for the villa is from 16:00 on the day of arrival, and the accommodation must be vacated by 11:00 on the day of departure.


Failure by clients to comply with any of the prohibitions established in this regulation may empower management to terminate the contract. The establishment owner may seek the assistance of law enforcement to evict users who violate the internal regulations or intend to access or remain on the premises for a purpose other than the normal use of the service.


Customers are prohibited from:

  1. Accommodating more people than the maximum capacity set by Villa Sant Meloneras administration.
  2. Engaging in lodging activities in the establishment or using it for purposes other than those contracted.
  3. Introducing explosive or flammable materials or other substances that may cause harm or discomfort to other occupants of the building.
  4. Engaging in any activity that violates usual coexistence norms or the normal functioning of the establishment.
  5. Organizing and/or hosting parties is prohibited.
  6. Accommodating animals is prohibited.
  7. Smoking inside the villa is prohibited. Smoking is allowed on the terraces.



  1. Observe safety, coexistence, and hygiene rules.
  2. Comply with the rules outlined in the internal regulations.
  3. Respect the establishment, equipment, and facilities.
  4. Regarding the payment of the price, it must be made by the client at the time of entry into the accommodation.


The apartment will be delivered clean and tidy. The client agrees to respect order and cleanliness.


The management of Villa Sant Meloneras has a list of the accommodation’s equipment. After each departure, a count of all existing equipment (towels, utensils, etc.) is conducted. In case of noticing the absence of any item, it will be communicated to the client, and the corresponding amount may be deducted from the deposit. The management may also file a complaint with law enforcement.